Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Happy Tuesday!

We're starting the day off right. First, a change in attitude. There was much sighing and harumphing this morning at the early crack of dawn wake up hour and a lot of "I hate students" rumination before finally taking the first gulps of burning-oh my god, burning-coffee and realizing that I needed to stop being such a complainer. Thank you, Seattle's Best cinnamon flavor for reminding me to get it together. 
One thing that I didn't have totally under control (and am still learning how to navigate) is the riding a bike in a pencil skirt technique. I'm not even sure if one is supposed to bike in a pencil skirt. But if it'll shave eight minutes from my commute and save me from being late to work, I'll do it! (Better not use that excuse for anything else). ...There's actually been some crazy news about this sort of thing.   

And finally:

A good ad for permaculture and other stuff.

Friday, 13 January 2012

oh, hello

it's friday afternoon and i'm here at my assistantship with about five minutes of down time. so i'm reading blogs of course. part of reading other people's blogs is inspiring, leading me to think i'd like to update so so much of my site in order to make it a little more...something. it needs something. but not whatever a lot of people have: ads on the sides, photoshopped layouts of outfits and jewelry, or the word gams. really? gams? as in "OMG gotta love those rainbow colored gams for winter!"

anyway, i'm in planning mode. as in seriously turning my vision of moving to new york into a plan. i can't disclose further details yet because there are some logistical things i have to figure out with my professional trajectory before i hammer out the fun things like what neighborhood i'm going to live in or which yoga studio i'll go to in my spare time. (though those are the things i'm really looking forward to).

right now, i'm really working on developing my professional portfolio: master's, educational specialist degree (?), licensure, national certification, comprehensive exams, a five year and ten year plan. yeah, like, big girl stuff. and instead of being intimidated by all of it like i might have been three years (or even three months) ago, i'm finding a sense of empowerment by tackling these components one piece at a time.

today, i also saw my first two clients of the semester. unlike last term, during which i was incredibly undermotivated and underprepared (hello, senioritis), i was more than prepared, focused, and enjoyed meeting my students. i'm taking that as a sign i'm ready for my career. hello, adulthood.

Friday, 6 January 2012

a visual of my visit to nyc

planning my move...even if it's cold up there.

I feel a Raleigh ladies migration north if only so we can have a house in Costa Rica for our winter escape.

also, I'm a little obsessed with instagram...can ya tell?