We're starting the day off right. First, a change in attitude. There was much sighing and harumphing this morning at the early crack of dawn wake up hour and a lot of "I hate students" rumination before finally taking the first gulps of burning-oh my god, burning-coffee and realizing that I needed to stop being such a complainer. Thank you, Seattle's Best cinnamon flavor for reminding me to get it together.
One thing that I didn't have totally under control (and am still learning how to navigate) is the riding a bike in a pencil skirt technique. I'm not even sure if one is supposed to bike in a pencil skirt. But if it'll shave eight minutes from my commute and save me from being late to work, I'll do it! (Better not use that excuse for anything else). ...There's actually been some crazy news about this sort of thing.
And finally:
A good ad for permaculture and other stuff.