I've been MIA the past few weeks wrapping up the finishing touches on my internship/part time work. But that doesn't mean things aren't happening. In fact, just like in real life, sometimes that silence means a lot is happening but isn't getting talked about.
Starting with the end of spring term, I have been very intentional about making the most of this summer since I won't be working a "real job." I'm not sure if this summer is my last of those endless months away from school that we dream about as children (and, who are we kidding, as adults), but if it is, I want it to be a time to heal from spring's schedule hell and prepare for the final push of my master's work. Making this time meaningful includes: going to the Caymans (so excited! leaving Friday!); spending time with B (maybe you'll get a whole post on that), friends and family; reading up on therapeutic interventions and coming up with a sort of tool kit for internship; lots of yoga; juicing/smoothie-ing; 8+ hours of sleep a night! Oh, summer!
In the middle of doing all of these wonderful things, I wonder if I will get bored. I find myself also feeling a tad guilty that I'm having THE MOST AWESOME SUMMER EVER. ...and then I slap myself.
Today is my last day of official work until August! And since most of my work is done, I want to share some inspirational things (at least to me) that I've been reading and watching.
"The Secret Power of Saying 'I Love You'"
HBO's documentary "The Weight of the Nation" (4 parts. Definitely charged and informative. Sort of makes me want to go for a run.)
Life Reports (inspired by reading Marina Keegan's piece for Yale's 2012 graduation and which ended up being a poignant tribute to her own life).
And a speech by Ray Bradbury
A lot of these are very touching and maybe not what you'd characterize as soaring-eagle-in-the-sunset-inspirational...but I can't help being an existentialist at heart. Tell me what you think!