65 days into my 108-day yoga mala. How's it going? Hard. But not in the "go hard" sense. More like mental gymnastics. Getting to yoga class is sometimes difficult because of my work schedule or because I already taught and don't feel like going back to the studio after working
and teaching. And physically, taking the class isn't an issue. The toughest thing has been convincing myself that
I'm still doing yoga AND doing my best if I do a 5 minute home practice.
I came at
this challenge with simple guidelines:
"It doesn't have to be pretty. I don't have to do yoga for a set amount of time. I just need to get to class or do a home practice once a day until May 15, 2014."
Well, overall, I've managed to do yoga at least 5 times a week. Pretty good, right? There's just this little annoying part of me that says "You're not doing it right and pushing hard enough!" that makes me feel kind of anxious about not reaching my goal. Like, it's all a wash if I don't take a balls to the wall yoga class every day for 108 days. Or, 5 minutes doesn't really count as yoga, so I may as well not do anything at all. Or, even more self-sabotaging, if I can't tell other people that I did this challenge the hard way, and get their gold star of approval, then I failed. Hellllooooo Perfectionism.
So, I put on my counselor hat and asked, "What would I tell a client who might be in this position? What imaginative strategies might give me the key to unlocking some of this bullshit?"
1) Acknowledge Perfectionism--understand some of that self-sabotaging thought
2) Go with the simple guidelines and accept the fact that it makes me feel uncomfortable to feel like I'm taking the easy way out
3) Maybe even expand or change the guidelines so that I can include teaching as part of "doing" yoga--It's my damn challenge; I do what I want. If it makes me anxious to "miss" classes because I'm feeling stretched and need a break, then TAKE A BREAK and include your time already spent in the studio!
It just so happens that I'm reading Brene Brown's book,
The Gifts of Imperfection, at the same time as this challenge. Letting go of that Perfectionism is going to be a good practice in the midst of this transition to Raleigh--something I'm doing for
me just like this mala. With 43 days left to go, I'm going to try giving myself a little grace.