Monday, 3 November 2014

Winter is coming!

Over the summer, I dove into Game of Thrones. (Seriously, nerd-ed out and not ashamed). Pretty sure it's what kept me afloat in the midst of partial employment and staying at my mom's. For those of you who don't know the Stark family motto (who are you?!), it's: Winter is coming. They say it at least once an episode. You can thank me for that pop culture tidbit when you answer the winning question at your next pub trivia night. Anyway, the weather is beginning to get chilly and my toes are constantly cold now, so I know winter is indeed coming even though it's only the middle of autumn and by all accounts it's been pretty damn warm.

But I hate the cold.

The other thing that's occupied my time is training for a 1/2 marathon that takes place NEXT SUNDAY. (Holy shit you guys I'm getting excited!). It's my first race since high school! I've trained for the past 4-ish months and feel good about my race goals: 1. Finishing and 2. Having a new (read: first of its kind) PR.

I've also been pretty obsessed with the ladies of Tone It Up. I started this program about a month ago and have lost inches--hooray! For some reason (moving, all the feelings, boredom), I gained weight while in Greensboro and after moving home. I know you want to see a before and after (because I sure would!) but just envision me with chubbier cheeks and the rest the same. Let's just say I wasn't feeling my best.  (Jeez, that sounds like such a girl thing). So, I bit the bullet, started doing the workouts, and am now one of those annoying people who talk about the most recent bandwagon they're riding. Check it out.

Suffice it to say this has been a fluffy update but I kind of like that. I'm excited about some fitness and fingers crossed with have a cool, fun, salaried job by the new year (y'all cross your fingers and toes too). Updates on that later...

A photo posted by Kate (@_katesutton) on

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