Monday 19 March 2012


From what I gathered looking at horoscopes today, Mercury is in retrograde, which means that if you're feeling a little "off" it's probably because Mercury is messing with you--and will be for the next 10 days or so. As George and I were hiking today, I wondered about the kinds of things I could get away with given this new excuse in my Excuse Kit.

Boss: "Kate, you're more than your usual 15 minutes late today."
Me: "Oh, I didn't notice. Mercury is in retrograde."

Roommate: "Kate, you left dirt from those seed trays on the kitchen counter."
Me: "It's Mercury. Did you clean up?"

Classmate: "I'm going to fail this test. Did you study?"
Me: "No, of course not." (no excuse here)

Life's been a series of catching up recently. One would imagine spring break could allow for just a little wiggle room...but that's not how it happened this year. This year I went on a trip with students to do service work in Pennsylvania.

(fame in the local tabloid)

And let's see, prior to that I've been working with more students than I ever have, looking for internship sites (eek, they have to be finalized next Friday and I don't have one yet!), summer job searching, and trying to keep up with other, very important, things (going down the blog rabbit hole, searching for new music, reading glossy magazines, sunning on the roof, painting my toenails--that kind of thing).

Coming through the last couple of months also has brought with it a couple of my worst stress-induced habits, namely poor eating (ie. trail mix and chocolate all. the. time.) and not pushing myself go to yoga because I'm le tired at the end of the day. So, with March almost behind me, and warm weather ahead, I'm gearing up to do Clean again starting April 1 and get into the kitchen to make myself an alternative to cashews, Swedish fish, and chocolate covered gummy bears (yes, of course together! sounds gross. so delicious.). Tonight I made curried vegetables and quinoa:

...A so-so attempt at food photography--but it tasted good! You should try it and not just because it's good for you. Though, I notice an incredible difference in the way I feel and how the world appears when I drop the candy, gluten, and dairy, and put fruits and veg in their place. Granted, I'm addicted to sugar as a general rule (and coffee!) so I have to find a substitute.

One thing I love is banana cream: 1 frozen banana + 1/3 cup almond milk + blender = I have no need for ice cream. You can add some slices of pineapple or try a little cardamom and cinnamon.

Tell me what you think about these recipes! Also, if you happen to use Mercury as an excuse for things, I hope you'll share. (I'm pretty sure if I actually use this one it'll just be par for the course. "The dog ate my socks/underwear" excuse only covers so many times being late for work...)

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