Monday 23 April 2012

It is

Right now there is a feeling of newness about everything. A sense of possibility. And I can't sleep because of it! On the one hand, not being able to go to bed at a reasonable hour or waking with a sense of urgency and restlessness could be a real bummer. On the other, wanting to wake up because I'm excited to be alive and ready for a new day is pretty damn energizing. I don't know many people who do that. Well, maybe some...but they're either naturally frighteningly optimistic or on medication. 

After a mini sabbatical, I've finally been able to clear my evenings and drag myself into yoga a few days a week. Yeah, so I'm being dramatic, but getting ready for class and stepping into the hot room is the hardest part of my practice. I just have to remind myself that this practice is better than Prozac and, though I may not want to go, I never regret going. Plus, I'm there to circumvent what my friend Kate calls TAPS, or fondly known as Tight Angry Person Syndrome.

Also: School is almost done! Whole Foods opened in Greensboro! I have a summer job! I'm going to the Cayman Brac for 17 days in June! Lots of hanging out with new and old friends! Weekend trips! Forays into (I need to have already seen these) movie watching! Learning Spanish! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!do you see why sleep is hard?!?!?!?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Gram's view on Cayman Brac

Further, worth mentioning is something new that I've been trying to bring in a lot of good energy. The first is doing daily affirmations and the second is keeping a brief gratitude list. Both are great for shifting perspective and refocusing on what's most important. I'm also trying to quiet my inner critic by replacing the I should's or I'm not ______ enough's with the notion that things are perfect just the way they are at any given moment. It's liberating. (Especially for those of you who are recovering perfectionists like me). And while I haven't completely conditioned myself to be the eternal optimist and am not terribly fond of the saying, "It's all good," it is good. Even when it's not. It just is.

And now for a brief internet roundup!

For any of you who have always wanted to dress up your boyfriend like your favorite nerd.
I'm into these boots for guys. Or Red Wings. Le sigh.
This makes starting a compost pile much more accessible.
Did any of you read "Highlights"? (My mom subscribed for years when we were little).

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